My 2021 Baseball HOF Ballot

Before I begin, as I was preparing and researching for this column, I noticed that I screwed up last years baseline. The reason I use a baseline is to stack the players I am putting on my ballot against the others on the ballot and simply saying: are they better than this group? If the answer is yes, they are a HOF’er (simple right? I even screwed it up!), if no, they are either an honorable mention, on the baseline itself, or in a white void in between the baseline and immortality. Where my mistake happened was electing three players that were on my baseline (Pettitte, Jeff Kent, and Larry Walker), by electing them, I messed with the baseline (I’ll blame it on 2020…), so apologies. I’ll be better! Looking over this years’ ballot, while continuing to realize that voting for the Hall of Fame should be as objective as possible (difficult task, but at least I’m making progress compared to some of the BBWAA), and sorting out the 2021 baseline, I’ve come to the conclusion that this ...