Day 326

Fresh Start_326: NON-SPOILER Baby Driver review
I love going to the movies. Whether I’m going to the premiere of the most anticipated movie of the year or just on a random Tuesday night with a couple of friends to see a good movie, I’m always down to go the movies. There is also something about movie theatre popcorn with a coke and some raisinets that just tastes right to me.

This year unfortunately I haven’t been able to get to the theatre that much this year. In fact, last night was only the second time that I went to the movie theatre the entire year. But, both times where a great time. The first time this year I went to see “Logan” on a bitter cold night with a couple of college buddies in the smallest movie theatre I’ve ever been in up at college.

This time I went with a couple of friends and family to see “Baby Driver.” This is a movie that caught my eye at the last minute and I just had to see. I love Kevin Spacy, Jon Hamm, and Jamie Foxx so I said to myself “this movie CANNOT be bad.” And, I wasn’t wrong. Not only was the performances by Spacy, Hamm, and Foxx great but Ansel Elgort and Lily James had their best performances on screen in their respective careers. Elgort has been on screen a few times in big roles playing Gus in “The Fault in Our Stars” and Caleb in the “Divergent” series. The odd mannerisms’ that Elgort gives off as Baby just makes him the perfect fit for the character, and the same can be said about his female co-star Lily James.

James may seem familiar to you because she has had the honor of playing the Disney princess Cinderella in 2015. James was in “The Wrath of the Titans” (yeah you read that right) as Korrina. James is the strong female co-star that you want in this kind of movie with as many high-profile stars as “Baby Driver” has. James’ character Debora screams “let me be the star of the show!” so quietly it works perfectly with everyone who takes up screen time.

Let me not forget to give Edgar Wright a well-deserved standing ovation for writing and directing this film. The cinematography is just visually pleasing and well put together. The characters are well thought out, yet surprise you with what they do on screen. The comedy that the movie has is not forced and is a nice complement that I was only expecting from Jamie Foxx.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if you “B-A-B-Y BABY DRIVER” as the winner for best original screenplay next February at the Academy Awards. This movie is that good, and I would HIGHLY recommend it. I don’t consider myself a film critic, but I would give this movie a solid 4 stars as my review.

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