Day 338
Fresh Start_338: Allen Crabbe to Brooklyn
With the trade to pick up
Allen Crabbe from the Portland Trail Blazers; Sean Marks and the Nets have
become roster dump central in the NBA, and I don’t have a problem with it. The
plan to just get talent and throw it on the floor regardless of what the
contract is; is a smart plan with the amount of cap room that the Nets have and
the inability to attract any free agents this offseason.
The way that Billy King
left Brooklyn after the trade that will live in infamy—Marks took the job as
Nets GM being in a tough spot. The fans being as hostile as any fan base in the
NBA, it can take a lot out of a general manager. The fans just wanted a plan
that the organization can follow and stick too. The Nets didn’t seem to have a
plan through last offseason and this past trade deadline. This offseason the “Sean
Marks Plan” has been put into motion and it is clearly spend the money now
while the Nets have it and try to win games.
The Nets now have D’Angelo
Russell, Timofey Mozgov, Demarre Carroll, and now Allen Crabbe. The Nets also
had the highest cap number at the beginning of the offseason, and now have
probably three new starters. We will see how much production the new backcourt
of Lin and Russell, with Crabbe and Carroll being the small ball small forward
and power forward.
I am excited to see how
badly we can mess up the Boston pick this upcoming year. It should be fun to
grab a couple $5 tickets on a random Tuesday night and see the Brooklyn Nets
compete to play spoiler.
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