Day 349
Let me tell you about
my favorite place in the continental United States. The reason I say the continental
United States is because I have been fortunate to have gone to Hawaii in my
lifetime and that place is my definition of paradise but this place comes
extremely close.
It’s a small island
campsite in between the Atlantic Ocean and Chincoteague Bay. Assateague Island
is that place for me. I personally love the beach and this is camping on the
beach in the middle of nowhere. The Zac Brown Band song “Toes” could have been
about this place. The island escape off the grid from everything might not
always be needed but it is definitely appreciated. My family and I go down to
the island every year and it just so happens when we go on vacation as a family
it always falls around my birthday. I love the place and just want to give it a
quick shout-out!
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