Day 363
Fresh Start_363: Thanks mom and dad
Mom and dad, I mean what
else can be said. Everyone says that their parents are the best, but for me
mine are the best. My parents aren’t like others in my town, they are happily married
and support all their children.
My mom always said “if
you aren’t doing something in sports, you aren’t going to be happy” and well
you know that momma knows best. So, thank you for supporting me and I hope you’ve
like the last couple of days on my blog.
Honestly, I would be
nothing without my dad. If I wasn’t in the car while you were listening to Mike
Francesa or Michael Kay. Or having random sports conversations even with my
crazy ideas. Or teaching me how to a conclusion when I was in 5th
grade. Or teaching to love the greatest game in the world aka baseball. Or the
time that you took me to my first basketball game on Super Bowl Sunday to see
my favorite basketball player ever Vince Carter, and I’ll never forget when Joe
Johnson hit a half-court shot in triple overtime to push the Hawks over the
than New Jersey Nets. Or when we went to Derek Jeters’ first game back in 2014
when he hit a homer on the first pitch he saw. Thank you for all that and much
more. I only hope I can repay you!
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