Day 358
Fresh Start_358: Fake News
I don’t usually get
political on this blog because I stand by the motto of “keep politics out of
sports.” I talk politics but not through my writing. Maybe that will change at
some point in my life, but for the foreseeable future I’ll stick to sports… for
the most part.
I don’t speak my mind
about politics because my knowledge about the topics discussed in politics isn’t
as well-known. I did speak my mind the day after the election daring the newly
elected president to come at me for speaking my mind in journalism. This time
it is just out of sheer confusion.
During a press conference
in Trump Towers yesterday, President Trump said something about the white supremacy
riots in Charlottesville Virginia. “There are fine people on both sides” said
the President—WHAT! How can you say that about white supremacists, white
nationalists, and KKK members? Nobody says that there are “fine people” in
those groups no matter what political party you are associated with. The only
people that like those groups of people is fellow members of the KKK or white
supremacist groups.
Throughout the chaos of
the protests, riots, and mayhem that happened in Charlottesville this past week
I saw a rare thing in the Trump presidency. I saw both sides of the isle coming
together to condemn racism. I saw republicans say that the events that happened
don’t reflect their political views or the party which they are affiliated
But, getting back on the
comments from the President. I don’t know what to think anymore as a country. My
personal thoughts aside, the United States might not make it much longer with
Trump at the helm. We have white supremacy groups endorsing the president with
some saying that President Trump himself is the reason why they protested in Charlottesville.
Not only that but we have Kim Jong Un threating to bomb us and our allies, and
we have a country that is as divided as it can be on multiple sensitive topics,
with most of the general public just waiting for the breaking point.
I love this country and
everything I believe it stands for, but having a man who in his own words
thinks there are decent people in white supremacist groups cannot fly. I dream
and plead for a country that can have healthy political discussions in
congress, the media, and out in public without a nuclear bomb of crazy blowing
up. And, the first chess move that needs to be made in this game of minefield
chess is limiting the damage that President Donald Trump can do.
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