Day 254

Fresh Start_254: Ending racism in the game of baseball and in general
I feel weird talking about this in any context. Racism just makes me feel weird and I hate talking about it because I feel that we are should be better than that. Racism showed its ugly head in Boston during the Red Sox and Orioles game on Monday night. Adam Jones during the game on Monday got called racist slurs and got a peanut bag thrown at him during the game. Major League Baseball and the Boston Red Sox were outraged about the incident—calling for change. Red Sox right fielder Mookie Betts even reached out to Jones and apologized. C.C. Sabathia from the Yankees even said “we know. There's 62 of us. We all know. When you go to Boston, expect it.” That is just horrible and I would hope that people would feel the same way I do.

I want on a Twitter rant about this when I heard that it happened, and I just can’t believe that it happened. Personally, I have never been in that situation at a game in any of the ballparks that I have been too. I went Fenway last year and had an incredible time during a Yankee-Red Sox game and didn’t hear any of it. But, I am also a 19-year-old white man talking about all of this. My perspective can be talked down by a large majority of people, but I desperately want this to change.

Baseball is a game with the overwhelming majority of the players are some of Hispanic background. Yet you have racism swirling around in one of the biggest fan bases for one of the premier franchises in the game. As a 19-year-old white man I feel bad that in some cases I still have the upper hand from a black man or even a woman. I don’t want that to happen because if you are better than I am, you should get the job and I shouldn’t. That is how it should work, than we will have better people in the jobs that they are best at, and with a domino effect, the country as a whole will get better. So, please as a country can we please end this? If anyone is saying anything racist in the game of baseball to a player or another fan stop it. If that happens when you’re walking down the street, stop it. If anything racist happens anywhere stop it, regardless of the race getting put down. For the love of God can we do this as a collective group?

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