Day 262

Fresh Start_262: To the people of Coby Nation, Thank you
With today being my last final of sophomore year of college, I want to take some time to say thank you to the college and people in it. Tomorrow I give my thank you to the college, but today is specifically for the people that have made my two years so special. So, here it goes:

First of all I would like to coach Nicki for coming and recruiting at my high school 2 years ago. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have applied and I wouldn’t have come to meet the amazing people that have helped me through my two years here. I wouldn’t have met Nicki’s replacement Coach Chris Brown.

Coach, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me in and out of the pool. For making me the swimmer that I am and for making me an essential part of the team and for giving me the responsibility to have to preform every day in practice and every meet. Even though we won a championship this year, I will not forgive myself for not powering through and swimming through a sprained left AC joint (as dumb as that sounds). I will hold the 2015-16 season as a failure and an incomplete season that should have ended with a title. But, in the grand scheme of things that’s not important. Thank you for driving me to each and every one of my physical therapy sessions that I had for my shoulder. Thank you for talking sports during and bouncing insane ideas off of, thank you for all the stories that you’ve told that ended with bawls of laughter from the team collectively. I haven’t just got a coach for life but a friend that will go to countless baseball and hockey games throughout the years. Good luck with your doctorate next year and I look forward to being calling you doctor in the future.

To my teammates, thank you for being more than just that, thank you for being a second family. If it wasn’t for coach leaving and majority of the team graduating or moving on, it would be tough to say goodbye to you this year. Thank you to the FLO squad for being brothers to me. You guys took me in on the first day and we created a brotherhood that will last no matter where we are in the world. You guys are some of my closest friends and the nights of parties, Call of Duty and Super Smash are nights that we look back on in time and still laugh and reminisce.

 If it wasn’t for all of you I don’t know what I would have done, and I probably wouldn’t have come back for this amazing year.
Sincerely and love your friend/teammate,



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