Day 79

Fresh Start_79: A letter to our new president
Dear Mr. President,
I want to make myself clear to you. You said that you would punish journalists that speak out against you. You said during your campaign that you would try to shout down the New York Times for slandering your name. I challenge you to do it. Reprimand me and every single journalist or radio talking head that has ever said a bad thing about you.

In fact, you are not even a president of the people, the majority of the popular vote did not go to you, if we didn’t have the electoral college, you would be protesting this election and asking for a recount against the great people of this nation. As much as you as praising them now, you would have been ridiculing them tenfold. Many people wake up this morning scared for their lives and the lives of their children. They are scared because they don’t think they are represented in the world that you are saying you will create. I saw one person on twitter say, “I am as scared today as I was the morning after 9/11.” If that doesn’t speak volumes to how incredibly inhumane and monstrous you are Mr. President than I have no idea what does.  

You picked out your demographic and you won with appealing to that same demographic throughout the campaign run. It befouls me how it was possible for you to do it, but nevertheless you are our president and I have to respect you, like I would any other president. However, I will have to apologize on your behalf over and over again. The policies you want to put into place will divide this country like never before. This election and its results will have spilt schools, offices, teams, and families and the worst fear of many (civil war) might actually come true. I have hope that parents can tell kids that everything will be okay.

At the end of the day, you have to realize that there are certain civil liberties that no matter your race, gender, or sexuality he cannot take away from you. No matter what any old white man says, you are an American, and even with a racist, sexist bigot at the head of the country, your status as an American citizen didn’t change overnight.

Every great leader follows one that endangered the country, and I am hopeful that the endangerment that Donald Trump will be putting us through is few and far between. I hope in time, you will see that Trump was the wrong choice for office and if you could go back you would switch your vote. No I am not talking to the people at this time, I am speaking to the electoral college. Your people saw how crazy and foolish this man was, and you vote the opposite way, why? Tell me that after a year of presidency that, it was the right move. Now, I know that if Hillary Clinton won it probably wouldn’t have been that much better, but that is second guessing right now. I am hopeful for the best case scenario but I am preparing for the worst. And again to Mr. President, please take this post down when you see it, see how well that goes over with your people and how the repercussions of your actions against the press will only make the “liberal media monster” even stronger than you could have ever imagined. I dare to you Donald I f***ing dare you!

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