Day 87

Fresh Start_87: If you get knocked down, jump right back up, over and over again

*I know I haven’t said anything about the page views, but thank you guys so much, it means more than you know, it allows me to do what I love to do and know that people are stopping by each day. For people to take time out of their day and read my articles, it just brings this uncontrollable smile to my face, and I thank each and every one of you for making me a part of your day*

I am no different from you… I have anxiety, fear, insecurities, and things that I just can’t stop thinking about. You might have different things that you think about, depending on where you are in your life, and that is expected, just know you aren’t alone. Part of that feeling of anxiety or insecurity is not knowing yourself or believing in the vision that you have set out for yourself. Don’t get me wrong, there will be times that you question the process, but in the end; at the end of the day right before you touch your head to the pillow, you have to know that you are completely 1,000% in. What that “thing” is, is whatever you are best at and enjoy doing. I enjoy writing and impacting peoples’ lives telling stories about New York sports, or just sports in general. I have started to sculpt my life into my passion, and using the saying “If you love your work, you don’t work a day in your life” that my grandmother preached to me in high school.

People change, that is just a part of life, your interests change with that, but there will always be something that no matter the day or time, you will go on and on about. That thing is called your passion. What I would say to you is, find a way to make your passion your work so you can get the most out of your work. If you aren’t doing your passion day and day out, and you are still happy, God bless you, you are a role model to me and rock on, but if you aren’t doing what you love and you complain, change it. I am not saying this to be motivational or to get in your face and inspire you to create the Facebook for yogurt but to change your thinking and make you take a step back and evaluate yourself. Self-awareness is extremely important in being happy. And I might be saying something that many of you already know, and that is okay, just keep charging forward. For my brothers who are just to start their own journey in this world, this is extremely important for them to hear. It is important for me as a big brother to use my experience to benefit their lives and make it a little easier. My experiences may be small and I am not an old wise man by any means, but, this is something that I learned throughout this year and that is one of the best lessoned I’ve ever learned, and it wasn’t told through a fable or given to me as advice, I had to live it and make it a reality. So, to anyone feeling down or lost, I hope this helped and keep going… The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side.

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