Day 11

Fresh Start_11: Betting on your strengths thanks Gary Vaynerchuk

Over the past couple of weeks preparing for my sophomore year of college I stumbled upon a fascinating guy by the name of Gary Vaynerchuk. I won’t give you his entire Wikipedia page here, you can do that on your own, but I will give you my opinion on why I like him so much. So, I stumbled upon Vaynerchuk’s Youtube channel that is plain and simple Hustle at its core. That is the word that explains Gary Vaynerchuk the best. Not only did he start his own campany VaynerMedia, not only is he a motivational speaker, and not only does he want to buy the New York Jets, he wants to make more competition for himself so he can beat it.

Beating people is what Vaynerchuk thrives on and lives for; now it is not the physical “I’m gonna punch you in the mouth” type of beating but it’s close. Vaynerchuk is so betting so heavy on his strengths and what he is good at, that people who focus on his weakness lose tenfold. He has built his entire life around what he is good at, which has made me self-reflect and try to reverse engineer myself to be that type of person, not only for this blog, but for school and my personal life.

If I keep betting on what I am good at, it will make me a better writer, which quite honestly that is why I started this series of articles Fresh Start. I wanted to revert back to what made it fun and made me enjoy uploading articles each and every day. However, this series is way much more than that. It is check system that is a part of a bigger “To Do List” or just my daily schedule. Making the conscious effect to write each and every day makes it easier to write and more enjoyable to look at content and say to myself “I can make this better”. What betting on your strengths allows you to do is become more confident and explore the job market or community that you are in.

Stop, and make the rest of the article about you and your passion or the job you currently are in… Try and make the effect to look at what people above you are doing, or people at your same level at your competitor. Reserve engineer that apply it to yourself and make your work better to profit you. Something that this series of articles has also taught me that I hope to bring to my two podcasts is post daily content. You have to put in the hustle for it to pay off and thank you Gary for making that strong statement, one I will be living by.

If you would like to check out Gary out on his Youtube channel:

On his own Website

Or on his Twitter:


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